(02446) 224334 nhce1@hotmail.com

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):
The Graduate students will, after completion of 3 to 5 years of B. Tech. Civil Engineering Program,
PEO1:Have successful career in the diversified sectors of the engineering Industry and/ or higher studies by acquiring knowledge in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals.
PEO2:Analyze and design Civil engineering systems with social awareness and responsibility.
PEO3:Exhibit professionalism, ethical approach, communication skills, team work in their profession and adapt to modern trends by engaging in lifelong learning.

Program Outcomes:
At the time of graduation,student will be able to:
PO1:Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to Civil engineering problems.
PO2: Identify, formulate, research literature and solve complex Civil engineering problems.
PO3: Design various structures or particular system that meets desired specifications and requirements.
PO4: Design and conduct experiments, interpret and analyze data, synthesize the information to provide conclusion.
PO5: Select and use appropriate engineering techniques and software tools to analyze Civil engineering problems with understanding of limitations.
PO6: Assess local and global impact of societal issues on Civil engineering profession.
PO7: Able to understand the impact of engineering solutions on society and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Demonstrate their professional and ethical responsibilities.
PO9: Able to function as a member or a leader on engineering and science laboratory teams, as well as on multidisciplinary teams.
PO10: Communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms.
PO11: Understand engineering and management principles and apply to their work as a member and/ or leader in a team to manage projects.
PO12: Adapt transform in industry by understanding the need of independent and
lifelong learning.

Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs):
At the time of graduation, student will be able to:

PSO1:Survey,map,plan and mark layouts for buildings and other structures.
PSO2:Specify,analyze,design,test and assess different structures with quality and safety aspect.
PSO3:Plan,analyze,and design water resources systems with effectiveness and sustainable environmental considerations.